The Worker Justice Center of New York pursues justice for those denied human rights with a focus on agricultural and other low wage workers, through legal representation, community empowerment and advocacy for institutional change.

News & Updates
Jul 26, 2024
El Centro de Justicia para los Trabajadores de Nueva York se complace en anunciar que Alaina Varvaloucas ha sido nombrada Directora Ejecutiva de la organización. La Sra. Varvaloucas aceptó esta posición después de desempeñarse como abogada administradora del Proyecto de Ley para Trabajadores Agrícolas (Farmworker Law Project) de la Sociedad...
Jul 26, 2024
Worker Justice Center of New York is pleased to announce that Alaina Varvaloucas has been named Executive Director of our organization! Ms. Varvaloucas takes this job after serving as the Managing Attorney for the Farmworker Law Project at Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York. Her direct experience with the services Worker...
Mar 24, 2024
On Friday, March 29th through Sunday, March 31st, WJCNY will be participating in the Bi-national People's Tribunal on the Struggles of Farmworkers in North America, hosted by the Food Chain Workers Alliance at the People's Forum in New York City. This tribunal is a grassroots gathering of farmworker organizations from across...