
Photo Credit - Harold Harris

WJCNY provides free legal assistance to individuals and groups in matters affecting the rights of agricultural and other low-wage workers. Our staff of experienced attorneys, paralegals, case managers and advocates work together to address the critical legal needs of our clients and their communities through three interrelated methods: affirmative litigation, direct immigration legal assistance, and survivor support services.

Our litigation program prioritizes high impact, collective and class action cases. It builds on decades of success in achieving justice for victims of wage theft, illegal discrimination, civil rights violations and other workplace abuses throughout New York State. Our offices have represented thousands of low-wage workers across industries such as agriculture, construction, food and service, and domestic work and recovered over $10 million in unpaid wages on behalf of our clients.

Our immigration legal assistance program provides high quality representation to low-income immigrants in a range of administrative proceedings to prevent deportation, obtain legal status and employment authorization, and promote family unification. This work is critical to protecting the immediate safety and well being of the predominantly immigrant, low-wage workforce that we serve. Our immigration practice specializes in assisting survivors of labor trafficking, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, particularly farmworker women. In such cases, our immigration attorneys work closely with our team of case managers to ensure our clients are able to access appropriate support services as well as the courts.

If you or someone you know is in need of legal assistance, please contact us via phone to set up a consultation or get a referral. 
